Consult Base Global

The Abundance Foundation

A Brand Identity Transformation for Abundance Foundation


NonProfit Organisation


London, United Kingdom

Our Role


Project Overview

Abundance Foundation sought CBG to establish a strong brand identity. They recognised the importance of a compelling visual identity that would resonate with their mission, values, and target audience. Abundance Foundation approached us to create a brand identity proposal, including logos and colour palettes, to solidify their presence and messaging.

The Challenge

The client faced the challenge of lacking a cohesive brand identity that aligned with their mission, values, and diverse audience while ensuring consistency across materials and platforms.


Discovery and Research

We began by conducting in-depth research and workshops with Abundance Foundation’s team to understand their mission, values, and vision. This helped us align the branding with their core principles.

Visual Identity Creation

Our design team crafted a range of logo concepts, each reflecting different aspects of Abundance Foundation’s work. These concepts were presented for review and feedback, allowing for a collaborative approach to selecting the final logo.


Color Palette Development

We developed a colour palette that resonated with Abundance Foundation’s values and mission. The palette was carefully chosen to evoke the desired emotional response from the audience.

Brand Guidelines

We created comprehensive brand guidelines that outlined the usage of the logo, colour palette, typography, and other visual elements across different mediums, ensuring consistency and coherence

Feedback and Iteration

We worked closely with Abundance Foundation’s team, incorporating their feedback and suggestions throughout the design and development process to ensure their vision was realised.

By collaborating closely with Abundance Foundation and following a strategic approach to branding, we successfully created a brand identity that reflects their mission, values, and vision.

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