Consult Base Global

BeScience STEM

Identity Design for BeScience STEM


NonProfit Organisation


London, United Kingdom

Our Role


Project Overview

STEM Social, a significant event held at Freetown’s national stadium in Sierra Leone, gathered over 3,000 enthusiastic school children. The event’s primary goal was to offer school children insights into the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Consult Base Global (CBG) was approached to design posters and marketing materials to promote this event.

The Challenge

While STEM Social aimed to inspire and educate school children about STEM fields, effectively marketing the event posed a challenge. Designing posters and marketing materials that could engage and inform the target audience was critical to its success.


Engaging Visual Design

We designed eye-catching posters and marketing materials that combined vivid imagery and appealing graphics to capture the attention of school children.

Incorporating Interactive Flip Books

To make the materials more interactive, we created flip books with engaging content. These flip books provided an interactive experience, allowing the audience to flip through pages with informative visuals and messages related to STEM.

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